The purpose of this plan is to describe the causes, symptoms, treatment and/or prevention of cold-related illness and injuries.

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Cold Stress

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Date: 3/29/2025
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To describe the causes, symptoms, treatment and/or prevention of cold-related illness and injuries.


This section applies to all _____ operating units.


_____ recognizes that work must be performed in various weather conditions, including cold climates. In order to minimize cold related illnesses and injuries, site supervisors will be made aware of the symptoms of cold stress and the environmental conditions that lead to cold-related illnesses and/or injuries, and the steps necessary to prevent their occurrence.



When the temperatures of the surrounding air or water are much colder than the worker's body temperature, the body's physical processes must increase to maintain a thermal balance. Shivering is one method in which a body is attempting to generate heat.

Shivering, pain, and numbness are not trustworthy indicators of cold exposures, because prolonged cold exposure numbs all of the body's sensations. Wind chill temperature is a better means of evaluation as it takes into account the winds ability to strip heat from the body through convection.

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