The purpose of this plan is to define minimum requirements and responsibilities to identify, analyze, and control potential hazards or risks associated with specific job tasks and equipment operation with the goal of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses.

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Job Safety Analysis

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Date: 2/6/2025
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To define minimum requirements and responsibilities to identify, analyze, and control potential hazards or risks associated with specific job tasks and equipment operation with the goal of preventing occupational injuries and illnesses.


This section applies to all operating units.


To conduct a careful study of jobs within our organization in a further effort to define the specific hazards of the work being performed and the content of training necessary to successfully reduce accidents and injuries.


Operating Units

Each Operating Unit inside _____ is responsible for implementing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) program consistent with this procedure and completing a job safety analysis for each job task that has potential hazards that could cause injury or illness.

Safety Manager

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