A permit to work is a written record which authorizes specific work, at a specific location, for a specific time period. Permits to work focus on specific hazards found on the jobsite and are meant to help crews stop and assess hazards before a project begins and exposures occur. Permits to work have historically also been referred to as Daily Startup Checklists.

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Permit to Work

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Date: 3/14/2025
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A permit to work is a written record which authorizes specific work, at a specific location, for a specific time period. Permits to work focus on specific hazards found on the jobsite and are meant to help crews stop and assess hazards before a project begins and exposures occur. Permits to work have historically also been referred to internally as Daily Startup Checklists.


This section applies to all _____ field crews.


A permit to work is required to be issued, at a minimum, before all high-risk and non-routine tasks. The permit must be issued and executed before work begins on the task.


This program establishes the necessary steps to plan, prepare and execute a permit to work safely. Permits to work ensure proper consideration is given to the risks of a particular project.


5.1 Permit Approvers

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